Democritising the co-production of public services with a Collaborative Environment
Interlink Newsletter #4
Interlink Newsletter #4
The goal of the Digital Markets Act is to guarantee that gatekeeper platforms act fairly online.
Deda Next supports the digital transformation of public sector organizations and private companies providing public services, by designing and implementing next-generation services. It is part of Dedagroup, one of the largest IT groups in Italy.
As a Horizon 2020 project, we are working on “the Interlink Innovation universe” from different perspectives, such as technical and social points of view.
IMR Academy Seminar: Technology vs. social science: Professor Dr. Taco Brandsen presents the INTERLINK project.
We are happy to announce that our first event will take place online on November 4th, 2021 from 10:00 to 11:30 CEST.
We had our Secondary Plenary, hosted by eTopia. We discussed the status of the project and directions for the next months.
Short interview with Fondazione Bruno Kessler about shadows and lights in co-producing public services with ICTs.
The ambition of Interlink project is to develop a new collaborative governance model that promotes the reuse and sharing of existing public services leveraging on the partnership between citizens, private actors and public administrations.
The Italian Simplification Agenda is an important multilevel program for simplifying policies and services.
The INTERLINK solution will consider gender diversity in its workflow by taking into account different citizens’ profiles.
The 11th International Conference on the Internet of Things is seeking original, high-impact research papers on all topics related to the IoT.
The V go.eIDAS Summit 2021 will take place as online to gather international experts and stakeholder in the sector of secure digital identities, trust services and mobile government to exchange latest experiences, knowledge and ideas.
Prof. Ansell together with Prof. Jacob Torfing put under the radar keywords as e-government, collaborative innovation in the article Co-Creation: the new kid on the block in public governance
Relaunching Italy requires a deep renovation of the PA: this is the topic of the event scheduled on Forum PA that will host Fabio Meloni, CEO of Dedagroup Public Services
From September, the Radboud University will officially have its own publishing house: Open Access Radboud University Press.
FORUM PA 2021 aims to create and strengthen connections between those who operate in central and local administrations, in technology companies, in the territories around the missions, objectives and interventions of what will be the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).
The European Commission presents a Digital Compass: a vision, targets and avenues for a successful digital transformation of Europe by 2030.
The Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance will leverage on the Interlink platform and its components to co-design and co-create a new Participatory Strategic Planning Module (PSPM) mock-up open to other Public Bodies. The PSPM will aid in strategic planning tasks and provide an open repository of good practices.
Zaragoza will adopt the Interlink governance framework to widen Open Innovation within the city. The framework and set of enablers made available within Interlink will provide holistic support for sustainable Open Innovation in the co-creation and co-delivery of services.
Zaragoza is the 5th largest city in Spain and the first to create a Smart CityDepartment which currently comprises a staff of 15 people. Innovation
The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia (VARAM) is responsible for implementing policy in three areas – environment protection, regional development as well as digital transformation.
The Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) is the executive body responsible for economic, financial and budget policy, planning of public investment, coordinating public expenditure and verifying its trends, revenue policies and tax system.
The Catholic University of Louvain is a complete research university established in 1425. UCLouvain is today a large, international community including 29.933 students of 127 different nationalities, 5.836-member teaching, research, administrative and technical staff, and 150.000 alumni worldwide.
Cloud’N’Sci Ltd (CNS) is a Finnish start-up that develops and operates a marketplace for data refining services, offering an easy way to commercialize algorithms and utilize them in concrete business applications.
The Radboud University is one of the leading academic communities in The Netherlands. The Institute for Management Research, the partner in INTERLINK, has long-standing expertise in the area of democratic participation, co-production, and co-creation.
Tree Technology (TREE) is an R&D-performing SME providing information and communication technology solutions based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.
The University of Deusto, recently recognized as an International Excellence Campus, was founded in 1886 and comprises 6 Faculties: Psychology and Education, Human and Social Sciences, Engineering, Law, Business and Economic Sciences and Theology.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) is the top Research Institute in Italy, ranked at the 1st place for scientific excellence within 3 different subject areas and for the economic and social impact according to the latest quality of research ANVUR evaluation.
Innovating goverNment and ciTizen co-dEliveRy for the digitaL sINgle marKet goal is to overcome the barriers preventing PAs to efficiently share services in a Digital Single Market by combining the enthusiasm and flexibility of grassroot initiatives with the legitimacy and accountability granted by top-down e-government frameworks.