Jean De Meyere
The Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain) is a complete research university established in 1425. UCLouvain is today a large, international community including (in 2015-2016):
- 29.933 students of 127 different nationalities
- 5.836-member teaching, research, administrative and technical staff
- 150.000 alumni worldwide
UCLouvain is responsible for the education of nearly one out of two French-speaking academics in Belgium and proposes courses in all possible disciplines: 42 Bachelor’s programmes, 56 minors and additional modules, 93.120 credit Master’s programmes, 3.360 credit Master’s programmes, 63 advanced Master’s programmes, 23 teacher training certificates, 200 lifelong learning programmes.
Research, performed in close collaboration with the private and public sector and international institutions, is one of UCLouvain’s main activities:
- 3.025 researchers
- 2.033 Ph.D. students, half of which are foreign visitors
- 2.500 research projects
- 1 Noble Prize winner: Prof Christian de Duve (medicine, 1974)
- 21 Prix Francqui winners
- 23 ERC grants
UCLouvain was an active and reliable partner in previous EUCEN projects as BEFLEX, BEFLEX+, ALLUME, COMMIT, HE4U2, with the participation of a Research Team dedicated to Education in general (GIRSEF) and a dedicated to Adult Education (RIFA). UCLouvain will fully support the activities of the H2020 project, providing rooms, spaces, staff, equipment, ICT support.
Thanks to its academic excellence, UCLouvain is in the top 1.25% of universities worldwide, making it one of the world-class universities’.
Universite’ Catholique de Louvain

The Business and Society Law Center – CRIDES, a UCLouvain centre for interdisciplinary research on business law issues, aims to study the legal framework for businesses and the role that private undertakings play in society. This study relies on the belief that legal rules must be understood in context, according to the law and society approach.
The Centre brings together four research groups dealing with:
- economic and company law
- intellectual property and digital law
- social and labord law (Atelier SociAL)
- tax law