News & Events

Radboud University publishing house to start up in September
From September, the Radboud University will officially have its own publishing house: Open Access Radboud University Press.

Privacy-preserving machine learning platform capable of sharing knowledge from sensitive industrial data
The innovation developed under the Horizon 2020 Musketeer was assessed as having a very high level of Market Creation Potential.

Zero impact with big data: 3 key factors
Going towards zero impact means to manage big data. 3 key factors: technologies; methodologies; new services.

Italy, Forum PA 2021 (June)
FORUM PA 2021 aims to create and strengthen connections between those who operate in central and local administrations, in technology companies, in the territories around the missions, objectives and interventions of what will be the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).

About Reggio Emilia (Italy) participatory governance model
Exploring our pilot on the Municipality of Reggio Emilia and its long-term dedication in collaborative public production projects and participatory methods services.

Piloting activities in Latvia, Spain, and Italy
We are going to test the Interlink solution through proof-of-concept experiments in the PAs of Italy, Latvia, and Spain.

Italian use case
The Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance will leverage on the Interlink platform and its components to co-design and co-create a new Participatory Strategic Planning Module (PSPM) mock-up open to other Public Bodies. The PSPM will aid in strategic planning tasks and provide an open repository of good practices.

Latvian use case
The goal of the Latvian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Customer Service Centers’ use case is to test sharing service delivery with third parties to improve public services.

Spanish use case
Zaragoza will adopt the Interlink governance framework to widen Open Innovation within the city. The framework and set of enablers made available within Interlink will provide holistic support for sustainable Open Innovation in the co-creation and co-delivery of services.