Diego López de Ipiña González de Artaza
Founded in 1886, the University of Deusto (DEUSTO) has a mission and educational goal firmly grounded in academic excellence and social responsibility, aiming at generating economic sustainable growth and making positive contributions towards the construction of fairer and more inclusive and humane societies.
Recognized as an International Excellence Campus, the university is a hub of 39 research teams working at the university’s six Faculties:
- Psychology and Education
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Engineering
- Law
- Economic and Business Sciences
- Theology
A flexible research ecosystem
Overall, DEUSTO provides a flexible research ecosystem that nurtures international, interdisciplinary, and inter-sectoral collaboration, and enables researchers to cross-fertilise ideas and address local and global issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Researchers from different disciplines closely collaborate around 5 interdisciplinary platforms to address the current main societal challenges providing different perspectives and approaches to analyse the identified research topic.
Likewise, DEUSTO has maintained synergistic relationships with other European partners, including those involved in INTERLINK such as Fondazione Bruno Kessler (in H2020 projects SIMPATICO, WELIVE, and within the ICT-PSP CIP project IES cities with the Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza) and TREE Technology SA (in the context of national Spanish projects namely PIRAmIDE, ADAPTA, SABESS, and THOFU).
Tackling societal challenges: MORElab
One of DEUSTO’s main lines of research is employing ICT to serve the needs of the industry and society, which is the focus of the university’s research team MORElab. MORElab has worked on several projects dealing with co-creation, Linked Data, and Data Analytics in tackling societal challenges such as ageing, open governance, and sustainability. The team has a proven expertise and track record of employing advanced technologies for delivering public services and e-Government solutions.
For the INTERLINK project, DEUSTO draws on its decade-long experience and knowhow in holistic data management through Semantic Web and Linked Data techniques to develop enabling tools called INTERLINKERS for the deployment of interoperable, inclusive, sustainable, and ethical public services; the creation of an operational platform for the project’s use-cases; and the execution and socio-technical evaluation of the three proof-of-concept use-cases.
DEUSTO Business School and DEUSTO Cities lab
The DEUSTO team for the project INTERLINK also showcases the interdisciplinary collaboration between its research units MORElab, Deusto Business School (DBS), and Deusto Cities Lab.
- The Deusto Business School’s mission is to contribute to a more prosperous, fairer, and more inclusive world in collaboration with other actors, responding to the main challenges of society and organizations, training and supporting professionals who promote and lead sustainable business projects in a global context and generating cross-disciplinary knowledge.
- Deusto Cities Lab seeks to integrate the processes of learning, research, and action labs, in order to respond to the complexity of the challenges faced by cities, territories, and communities from a cross-cutting and cross-sectoral perspective.