For the 7th consecutive year, the University of Split organized SpliTech 2022, a 4-day scientific/professional/industry and hybrid conference that took place in Croatia (July 5-8) on the topics: IoT, RFID, Smart Cities, Energy, and Health.
Our partner from Deusto, full professor Diego Lopez de Ipina Gonzalez de Artaza was the general co-chair of the conference and presented the paper “A Collaborative Environment to Boost Co-production of Sustainable Public Services”.
A glipse of the presentation:
My today's presentation @SpliTechConf sharing results of #INTERLINKH2020 #cocreation #publicservices #collaborativeenvironment developed by @julenbaa @deustoMORElab
— Diego López-de-Ipiña (@dipina) July 6, 2022
Congratulations to @dipina who has just presented his paper untitled "A Collaborative Environment to Boost Co-production of Sustainable Public Services".
— Teo Montanaro (@teomontanaro) July 6, 2022
It was presented within the @IEEEorg @SpliTechConf
Congrats also to his co-authors from @IngDeusto for the interesting work!
Download the presentation here.