Improving public services by connecting, digitalizing, and innovating data is high on the agenda. The Interlink Community knows exactly what it means.
But what is it like to work on a large project with disciplines that do not really understand each other? What to do when different parts of a project do not really connect? And how does this reflect real-life problems in dealing with digitalization?
Technology vs. social science: experiences of working across disciplines in a complex project
During the IMR Academy Seminar. Technology vs. social science: experiences of working across disciplines in a complex project Professor Dr. Taco Brandsen, our partner with Radboud University, will present the design and first experiences of the project INTERLINK. The aim of the Radboud team was to develop a collaborative governance model that promotes the reuse and sharing of existing public services, building on a partnership between citizens, private actors, and public administrations. The experiences of the team should be relevant to anyone aiming to work with very different disciplines, in large complex projects, and for those interested in digitalization.
How to participate?
You can follow the IMR Academy Seminar following the zoom link
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Passcode: 101090