Digital Europe: the EU Commission adopts 3 work programmes
The European Union has launched the Digital Europe Programme to support digitization in all the sectors of society and economy, inspired by the European Digital
The European Union has launched the Digital Europe Programme to support digitization in all the sectors of society and economy, inspired by the European Digital
The 11th International Conference on the Internet of Things is seeking original, high-impact research papers on all topics related to the IoT.
Interviewing prof. dr. Roberto Diaz Morales on AI (Tree Technology).
The 2021 edition of the Data Week aims at bringing together the research and innovation community working on Data, Big Data and Data-Driven AI, promoting opportunities for this community to grow.
The innovation developed under the Horizon 2020 Musketeer was assessed as having a very high level of Market Creation Potential.
Cloud’N’Sci Ltd (CNS) is a Finnish start-up that develops and operates a marketplace for data refining services, offering an easy way to commercialize algorithms and utilize them in concrete business applications.
Tree Technology (TREE) is an R&D-performing SME providing information and communication technology solutions based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) is the top Research Institute in Italy, ranked at the 1st place for scientific excellence within 3 different subject areas and for the economic and social impact according to the latest quality of research ANVUR evaluation.
Innovating goverNment and ciTizen co-dEliveRy for the digitaL sINgle marKet goal is to overcome the barriers preventing PAs to efficiently share services in a Digital Single Market by combining the enthusiasm and flexibility of grassroot initiatives with the legitimacy and accountability granted by top-down e-government frameworks.