10th open meeting of the IIAS Study Group
The involvement of citizens in the creation and production of public services has been a major topic in current public administration and management research. Co-creation and co-production refer to citizens being involved as co-designers and/or co-implementers of public services, alongside ‘regular’ service providers (i.e., government professionals). For the 10th open meeting, the IIAS Study Group invites contributions to different aspects of this topic, including:
- Challenges of coproduction for professionals. How can professionals (from governmental organizations as well as non-profit organizations) find ways to meaningfully interact with people using and coproducing services? What are the (dis)incentives for professionals in promoting and using coproduction?
- The capacity, and willingness of citizens to engage in co-production. What motivates citizens to engage in co-production? How can different groups, including vulnerable people, be involved in co-
production? - The potential benefits and pitfalls of directly involving citizens in the production of public services. What are the anticipated and unanticipated effects of co-production?
- The conditions for sustaining and scaling up co-creation and co-production initiatives. What factors can contribute to making co-creation and co-production processes as well as co-creation and co-production outcomes/effects more sustainable (over time)?
- Digital co-production: what are the experiences of co-production through digital platforms? What lessons can be learned? Please note: We are currently developing an edited volume on the topic of digital co-production. Papers submitted to the seminar may be considered for inclusion.
Please submit abstracts (maximum 500 words) by 16 December 2022 through IIAS@ru.nl.
Participants will be notified of their acceptance in January 2023.
Date and Location
The open meeting of the Study Group on Coproduction of Public Services will take place in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 11-12 May 2023.
The registration fee is 125 euros. Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
About the meeting
The IIAS Study Group on ‘Coproduction of Public Services’ is organizing its 10th open meeting.
They welcome both past participants and newcomers with an interest in the topic. Their aim is to create
and nurture a global intellectual platform for the theoretical discussion and empirical analysis of
coproduction and co-creation, and their implication for the organization and management of public
About the Study Group
The IIAS study group on ‘Coproduction of Public Services’ is co-chaired by Trui Steen (Leiden
University, the Netherlands and KU Leuven, Belgium), Tina Nabatchi (Syracuse University, US)
and Dirk Brand (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa). The 2023 meeting of the study group
will be organised by Taco Brandsen, Noortje Hoevens, Marlies Honingh, Menno Hoppen, and Ina
Radtke (Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, partner of Interlink project).