We had our first meeting in person in Zaragoza (Spain) and the Secondary Plenary, hosted by eTopia (the city Center for Art and Technology). We discussed the status of the project and directions for the next months.
What about the Interlink main objective?
Interlink will overcome the barriers that hinder administrations to reuse and share services with private partners (including citizens) by combining the advantages of two often opposed approaches:
- the “top-down” approach where Government holds primary responsibility for creating these services compliant with EU directives, sometimes seeking the support of citizens for a specific design or delivery tasks
- the “bottom-up” approach in which citizens self-organize and deliver grassroots services where government plays no active role in day-to-day activities but may provide a facilitating framework
How is Interlink meeting the challenge from the Governance for the future H2020 call?
Governance is being transformed by new approaches to delivering public services which allow for the involvement of citizens and various other actors. This challenge is to critically assess and support as needed this transformation based on open collaboration and innovation platform supported by ICT (government as a platform) and on open environment and ecosystem with clear frameworks and guidelines for modular services quality.
What should the Interlink project provide?
At its core, INTERLINK proposes a new collaborative environment that allows PAs, private entities, and citizens to cooperate towards the co-production and adoption of services. This environment will allow:
- defining the co-production approach (WP2)
- building public-civic communities (WP5)
- provisioning tools (WP3)
- running and monitoring the adoption process (WP4)
The goal of the co-production process is to create a new or customize an already existing service. Such a new instance may be created by the PA or even by a private entity and will define a set of activities needed to enact the co-production process:
- use of the technological, non-technological, and partnership enablers
- service customization tasks
- team formation
- dissemination activities
Are we on track?
After 10 months, the Interlink community is proud to announce that we are on track! We set project management tools included a Communication and Dissemination plan with official channels. We are working on the Governance model and the Data Management plan plus the GDPR releases. We collected the first catalogue of Interlinkers based on personas and User stories. We designed several mock-ups and front-ends with a Wizard support.